Posts Tagged ‘23 months’

You may have to endure a proud parent bragging here. That said, I wanted to document my son’s development more for my own remembrance than anything else.

He is one smart little boy. His vocabulary has expanded exponentially from what it was when I wrote about it here, at 16 months. Back then he was saying one word at a time. Now he is speaking in 5-6 word sentences. Things like: “Daddy, Andrew’s mower right there!” His other oft repeated phrases are: “Go again.” “Open it.” “Daddy bike, Andrew bike…helmet.” etc.

He will usually repeat a word if he hears it once now. He also surprises us with things like, “Grocery store.” when we are pulling into the grocery store parking lot.

He can also count to 12. Yes 12. We were counting with him one night, and I expected him to stop at 3. I figured 1..2..3 was pretty good for a kid not even two years old yet. But he kept going until we got to 10. Then I really expected him to stop. I mean, most baby counting books only go up to 10. That’s how many fingers you have, right? What under two year old knows more than that? “Eleven.” he said, clear as day. Lydia and I looked at each other like, “How does he he know that!?” “Twelve.” Well now we are just stunned. But that was a far as he went. It turns out that the lady at daycare has twelve stairs that the kids count going up and down every day.

Today was the first day that he joined in and sang several portions of the ABC song. He usually gets ABC and then comes in again at LOP. But today he got most of the letters. Pretty cool. And he can carry the tune!